Customer Resources
Quality Management
Western States Calibration operates under the requirements of ISO 17025, ISO 9001, and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 with measuring standards traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
ISO 17025:2017 Decision Rules:
By default, Western States Calibration (WSC) provides statements of compliance using a binary, simple decision rule. Decision of conformance is made solely by comparing the measurement results to the calibration limits without consideration of measurement uncertainty. WSC’s default decision rule results in an estimated Probability of False Accept (PFA) of < 50%.
If you require the use of some other decision rule, please contact us with your request.
Note: Custom decision rules may result in a price increase for your calibration services.
A2LA Scope of Accreditation
Equipment Background Form
This form should be completed the first time an instrument is calibrated by WSC at your facility, or if an instrument has special requirements to be tested.
Equipment Order Information Form
This form should be completed and included with all orders submitted to WSC.
QPM (Permission Control)
To request a copy of our QPM, contact [email protected]